aah...im bored..its 2 o clock in the night(rather morning)...n yea im bored..weird nah:S..im bored to the extent that im taking part in the midnight gossips between my aunt n momzee...sigh..k before u come to conclusions,its all symptoms of missing collg...hmmph..its been aaagges since ive eaten the masala pav..n the capsicum cheeze toast(santosh)...n I hear lotta ppl are telling moi "nov ke baad koi collg nahi jaane wala.." n im like...aahh...what em I gonna do for 3 whole months...gawwd..." or wait is it 2 months..nov, dec, jan..nope, 3 is fine..
Except for the fact that im bored..i think life's treating moi amazinglyy...im enjoying everryy bit of it..sanju is ovr here...aahh big bro of a kind he is..took him to enrich..had 1 helluva day today...listenin to his medic kathaas:P..gettin him to listen to my "naanu" kathaas...lol..thnx bro:)..
Had one helluva yesterDayb4 too:$:$...lunched out wid versu n da saudi princess..went over 2 versu's place...i dun think versa's eva eva gonna fuhget dat day...(dat nite +next day)...i think all dat she neva did in mumbai..she did it den...lol...travelling by da mumbai local...gosshhhh...versa...cheers 2 us...lol..to the terrific evening n da terrific next morning...:D..cheers to yr rotten english..n to mine which is still in the process of turnin rotten(which i hope uve guessed by now...wait..dude u still readin..??ok..mebbe u as jobless as i am)..isnt all dis irrelevant to the title..??wateva...like i was sayin..hmm...im enjoyin every bit of life...planned out a routine which i managed to follow for a couple a days(all thanx to the hod, USA)..but since recordings are unpredictable..its difficult to stick to a timetable..but it wasnt a total waste leme tellya..i aint on the comp 17/7 nemore...im doing something ive never done before..im thinking..Im learning to live life as it comes..learnin to attach n detach as easily..learnin to love n respect..to give, live n let live..to set priorities(this is one difficult task)...learnin..n yet ders so much more to learn..sighh..*philos*...dude SS is having an influence..lol..likes i said life's treating moi amazzinglyy..."thnks life":).. lol..im getting back to the topic..im missing collg..buh i'l try n make up for it by attending every single day once it starts..umm..rather i'd be forced to do that..gosshh..dis is one helluva post..my 1st 1 rather....yaaeeyyy!!cheers to moi:D:D..so finally im somewhr close to the blogger's world..signin off...g'nite..tadaa
bluebassangel a.k.a miceypoo
p. s: written half in sleep...rotten grammar, irrelavant to title..so called random rubbish(R.R)